– Ph.D. in Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 2009
Dissertation title: Error Analysis and Data Reduction for Interferometric Surface Measurements
Advisor : Prof. James H. Burge
– M.S. in Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 2006
M.S. in Optical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2004
Thesis title: Illumination Systems Design for the Liquid-Crystal Projection Display
Advisor: Prof. Xu Liu and Prof. Haifeng Li
-B.S. in Optical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China 2001
Work Experience
Metrologist Jan. 2010-present
College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
• Work on the stitching software development for interferometric measurements
Graduate Research Associate/Assistant Aug. 2004-Dec .2009
College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
• Designed the infrared and visible null correctors for the 4.3 m Discovery Channel Telescope (DCT) primary mirror, performed the tolerance analysis of these null correctors and helped assemble them
• Designed the computer-generated holograms (CGH) for the DCT primary mirror to calibrate both the infrared and visible null correctors
• Tested the DCT primary mirror with a laser tracker, an infrared interferometer, and a visible interferometer from the grinding phase to the figuring phase
• Performed accurate and low-noise measurements using interferometers for several projects
• Measured the phase MTF of an infrared interferometer and applied a Wiener filter to retrieve the middle spatial frequency information attenuated by the interferometer
• Studied the intrinsic errors in interferometric measurements, including the measurement noise, geometric errors and errors due to diffraction effects
• Studied the limitations in interferometer calibration using the random ball test
• Developed a smoothing-filter method to reduce the total errors introduced in map registration and subtraction
• Developed a methodology for optimizing the CGH to minimize its sensitivity to fabrication errors while maintain a good diffraction efficiency
Graduate Research Assistant Oct. 2001-Feb. 2004
State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
• Designed a lens-array illumination system for projectors with UHP light sources to achieve good illumination uniformity with high light efficiency
• Studied the feasibility of using the LED array as a projector light source
Undergraduate Research Assistant Jan. 200-Jul. 2001
State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
• Deposited the Indium-Tin-Oxide (ITO) thin films by sputtering at room temperature and electron beam evaporation, and compared their characteristic at infrared band
Application Engineer Feb. 2004-Jul. 2004
LCoS Microdisplay System, Philips, Shanghai, China
• Provided technical support for LCoS microdisplay chips used in liquid crystal display systems, and acted as the liaison between vendors in China and optical scientists at the Philips Research in the U.S.
Exchange Student Jun. 2007-Jul. 2007
Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
• Designed CGHs for testing a cubic phase plate and ellipsoid optical surface.
Intern Engineer Jul. 1999-Sep. 1999
Dept. of R & D, Concord Camera Corp., Shenzhen, China
• Studied the principle and assembly for digital camera and APS (Advanced Photo System) camera.
• Proficient in Matlab, Zemax, and various interferometer software packages
• Familiar with Code V, ASAP, MathCADand AutoCAD
Professional Affiliations
Optical Society of America (OSA), Member
International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), Member
• Zhou, P. and Burge, J. H., “Limits for interferometer calibration using random ball test”, SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA (2009)
• Zhou, P. and Burge, J. H., “Calibration limits for interferometric measurements”, Optical Fabrication & Testing Conference, Rochester, NY (2009)
• Zhou, P. and Burge, J. H., “Optimal design of computer-generated holograms to minimize sensitivity to fabrication errors”, Optics Express, 15(23) (2007)
• Zhou, P. and Burge, J. H., “Coupling of surface roughness to the performance of computer-generated holograms”, Applied Optics, 46(26) (2007)
• Zhou, P. and Burge, J. H., “Fabrication error analysis and experimental demonstration for computer-generated holograms”, Applied Optics, 46(5) (2007)
• Chang, Y.-C., Zhou, P. and Burge, J. H., “Analysis of phase sensitivity for binary computer-generated holograms”, Applied Optics, 45(18) (2006)
• Zhou, P., Zheng, Z. and Li, H., “Fly-eye lens array used in projection display with high light efficiency”, ACTA OPTICA SINICA, 24 (2004, in Chinese)
• Zhou, P., Zhou, J. and Lin, Y., “Theoretical analysis and optimization of light pipe illumination system”, The 8th Asian Symposium on Information Display (ASID), Nanjing, China (2004)
• Zhou, J., Lin, Y. and Zhou, P., “Method for improving the performance of wide screen projection display illumination systems”, The 8th Asian Symposium on Information Display (ASID), Nanjing, China (2004)
• Zhou, P., Zheng, Z. and Li, H., “LCD projection display system with high brightness”, The 8th Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Shanghai (2003)
• Zhou, P., Huang, Y. and Lin, Y., “Characteristics analysis of ITO thin films deposited by two methods in infrared band”, ACTA PHOTONICA SINICA, 31(8) (2002, in Chinese)