Bill Anderson
College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona
1630 E University Blvd., Tucson, Arizona 85721
Bill Anderson is a Senior Optician with 37 years of experience in optical fabrication in both production and R & D. In the fabrication arena, the majority of his experience ranges from 0.2 to 2.0 m diameter optical components. In the research arena, he has participated in the earliest developments of computer assisted phase-shifting interferometric testing as well as cutting-edge fabrication technologies. Fabrication projects that he has been intimately involved in include the simultaneous production of all six of the original 72 in. primary mirrors for the Multiple-Mirror Telescope on Mount Hopkins as well as the secondary for the McGraw-Hill telescope on Kitt Peak. He also fabricated a 48 inch flat for Corning OCA. In addition, he achieved the fabrication of a 2 m diameter x 2 mm thick experimental Next Generation Space Telescope mirror prototype for NASA. Mr. Anderson also completely re-figured an astigmatic 50 in. primary mirror for Indiana University. He is currently working on a program for characterizing the resulting tooling profiles for a developing computer controlled polishing machine.